
The following links to other websites may be of interest.

FOLK Sponsors:

Cheltenham Borough Council

Cheltenham Borough Council Leckhampton Hill Page

Cheltenham Borough Council Site Management Plan 2003

Charlton Kings Parish Council

Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council

Shurdington Parish Council


Cheltenham Bird Club

Cycling & Mountain Biking

Cheltenham & County Cycling Club

Industrial Archaeology

Industrial Archaeology of Leckhampton Hill

Historical Archaeology

Leckhampton Hill: Hillfort

1925 Excavations on Leckhampton Hill

1971 Excavations on Leckhampton Hill


Gloucestershire Geology Trust

Cotswolds Geology

Leckhampton Hill Geology (pages 169-173)

For further reading:

William Dreghorn “Geology Explained in the Severn Vale and Cotswolds” 1967 (Reprinted 1973) ISBN 0 7153 4102 2

L Richardson “Geology of Cheltenham” 1904


Leckhampton Local History Society Walks

Walking for health


Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

Cleeve Common

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